5 bar mystery wrasse question?


Nothing to nobody

I used to own a 5 bar and will have another one. The problem and my question is that I want one with 5 white "bars" on them like I used to see quite commonly. Now days, Im not seeing them very much on any of them no matter what size. Is this because of location? Is it possible its a varient of the species. I used to think it was because of size and they fade in adulthood, but like i said even in small ones that I have seen lately they just aren't there.

Whats your take?
I believe you are right, the "bars" are a juvenile marking that fades with time and age. I think from specimen to specimen you will probably find it may vary how early in development they fade.
Could be I have seen large ones 4 inches + that still show them...Thats what im looking for...
Mine still has the bars, but is still under 2". I don't think it's grown more than 1/4" in the year and a half or so I've had it.
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