Wrasse Sex Change? & Groups of Wrasses


loves pufferfish
I've been reading up on the flasher wrasses and I've read that some of them do well in groups - the filimented and carpenter's. How do you get a group? Can you get 3-4 jueveniles and one turns into a male? One of the pages mentioned that wrasses change sex - but the page also had some misinformation on it. So, do you know? Also, has anyone kept a group of wrasses before?
I'm debating between a group of flasher wrasses or maybe one Scott's Fairy Wrasse.

Thanks again.
This is what I believe goes for all wrasses; all wrasses are born females, as heirarchy is determined by size and dominance, one will become a male, and another a super female, and a handful of others stay female and constitute a harem of 4-8 wrasses. When the male dies, if the male dies the super female will take its place and become male, and another female within the harem will become a super female, unless of course and outside male or super-female comes into the harem and asserts its dominance.
I know that if you want a group of wrasses, usually it is one male to a harem of females. I would think tho that if you have 4-5 wrasses, you might be hitting the limit in fish for your 72 bow. I tried keeping a 6 line with the flasher and even tho they co-existed, the flasher never quite came out as much as I would have liked...and it was a male also. Since I have removed the 6 line, the flasher is out much more. I will be trying to move my tricolor wrasse from the 30 to my 90 very soon. Will let you know how it turns out. Should be okay since both species are not very aggressive.