FS Our Quarantine Process

Thank you! We have been working on this for many years to find a way to do this in a way that is profitable as the aquarium industry changes. There is really no way around not charging a little more, but I do feel like it is well worth it. As a service company we have routes now that span a good portion of southern NH and northeast MA. We are able to use our service route as delivery routes too. This minimizes time that the livestock spends bagged before reaching the customer, stays in our care the whole time and no additional shipping cost. The only drawback is that it won't often be next day as the delivery would need to line up with when we have a service route in the area. Also, we are locally focused and have no desire to ship livestock outside of who we can reach with our routes.
We make 2 service runs to the Portsmouth and Hampton area every other week and make stops along the way for deliveries off of 101. I believe that East Kingston would be within reach of those routes