kitchen utensile

grabbed pair of tongs to scoop up a star fish the other day, also need to but a new baster before next Turkey Day LMAO I do all the cooking though...

ok im gladd to find out im not the only one that takes kitchen stuff and gets yelled at for it! hahaha makes it more fun!!
+1 I used to hear it all the time. You would have thought it was the end of the world. My wife got so fed up with me taking her kitchen tools that she went out and purchased me my own. Peace has now been restored to the universe.
+1 I used to hear it all the time. You would have thought it was the end of the world. My wife got so fed up with me taking her kitchen tools that she went out and purchased me my own. Peace has now been restored to the universe.

thats how we fix it here as well LOL....
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
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