Using Baking soda to raise ALK

Calcium 440
Mag 1500 - reef crystals salt.
Salt: 1.026
Temp 78-79
All other parameters are fine.

Test kits: Salifert, red sea pro, and api. All three have calcium, salifert and red sea have Mag and Alk also.
Alk goes down 1dkh every 12 hours. I dose ever 12 hours. First dose at 6:30am, second dose around d 6-7pm.
Does your calcium and magnesium change with the alkalinity? What is your target alkalinity. It doesn't matter that it drops 2 dkH in a day as much as what it drops from? What is the dKh in the morning, and what is the dKH in the evening?

Alkalinity drops from 9.9dkh. Every morning it is around 9.9, once in a while it will be at 9.6-7, but that could be me adding one extra drop or one less drop to the test kit when measuring.

So, when I get home tonight it should be at 8.9, and I will dose again. If I dont dose again until tomorrow morning it will be around 7.9.
I have been measuring for around 2 weeks now several times per day and this drop remains constant.

And the clams keep on growing. This past two weeks they grew almost 1/4" of new shell.
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I think at 9dkh you could stand to drop your Ca to around 420-5 range, as your tank is dropping so much and see if that closes that gap a bit. Also lower Mg to1350-1400 range.

I never liked keeping Alk real high recipe for disaster not that 9 is real high but better to lower your CA then push your ALK IMHO/E

Is you tank heavily stocked?
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I think it 9dkh you could stand to drop your Ca to around 420-5 range, as your tank is dropping so much and see if that closes that gap a bit. Also lower Mg to1350-1400 range.

I never liked keeping Alk real high recipe for disaster not that 9 is real high but better to lower your CA then push your ALK IMHO/E

Is you tank heavily stocked?

Yes. Tank is heavily stocked. I have around 40 heads of candy cane, one pagoda coral that is around 5-6" in diameter, a pipe organ that is a little bigger than a baseball and growing fast and the two clams that are over 5" now.
Besides that I have finger leather, 3 kinds, kenya tree, dinner plate size toadstool, 4 kinds of mushroom, gsp, 2 types of xenia and a few polyps. Rocks are covered in coraline. Even my drain hose has coraline inside where the light hits.

I havent been adding magnesium, it is just high.
I do a 5 gallon water change every week, so fhat is a little over 10%.
I dont dose anything else besides the Cal and ALK.

My levs drop if I dont dose, but the two part keeps them constant. My issue are the PH spikes from adding the ALK. That is why I wanted to try baking soda, and since I saw that mixing baked and unbaked soda will keep PH around 8.2-3 I thought it woukd be perfect.

Also, thanks everykne for the help and links.
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If it were an SPS tank it would explain the draw. But Like I said drop your CA and Mg to balance things out. If your salt is that out of whack perhaps it is time to switch to a different salt.
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