FS WTB Blue Star leopard wrasse - female


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Hi Guys,

Hope that all had a great time at the frag swap today. Sad to have missed it!

As stated above I'm looking for a female blue star leopard wrasse. I have been looking for this fish before Covid reared it's ugly head. I was able to get 1 from Liveaquaria however it was DOA. They were not able to replace it and gave store credit. Useless!! I have tried going the LFS route. However it is tiring calling every week to the same places to see if they can get 1 this week. Only to hear the same thing over and over. NOT THIS WEEK.

So any help?
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I was there today but to my disappointment they were not able to catch 1. Hopefully when the next batch comes in I can get my hands on 1.
That’s just unacceptable to drive to them to purchase a $130 fish and they can’t catch it. Imo but to each it’s own. Good luck.
I work in different locations daily so it's not a big deal. I was only about 20 mins away went I wrapped up work. I have been waiting a minute already so I'm not worried.
Under the previous management, Tropic Isle kept/conditioned their leopard wrasses in actual reef tanks to minimize losses and to increase survival rates. Needless to say, they’re painstakingly hard to catch. For this reason, I used to prepay for my bluestar and pick up when they catch it within next few days knowing they’re hardy enough and have a much better survival chance in my tank. Sometimes, for certain fish I would have to go the extra miles to assure a healthy specimen even if it a inconvenience to me. My experience with new leopard wrasse shipment is around 50% survival rate. I recently acquired 10 juvenile meleagris leopards and lost 6 within 3 days after acquiring them. Live food was not the issue since I readily have several kinds on hand. They’re just hard to acclimate to reef tanks.
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