Fluval 32 Flex with 2 Lights


Quick question - I'm looking to change it up from my biocube 32 to the Fluval 32. I'm wondering what success if any, people have had with 2 of the stock lights. I would entertain what seems to be everyone suggesting AI Primes, it just stinks if you buy the Fluval you are already paying for 1 light. So I'd just like to know what to expect out of 2 stock lights.
Depends upon what type of animals your trying to keep, I have no real insight on it as the majority of people buying tanks for reefing usually upgrade lighting, filtration etc.
id stay away from the fluval light. they will grow softys but the colors don't look good .get a prime and u can always use on another tank down the road
Yeah ive been doing this for about 15 years and originally went through the upgrade phase. I decided that wasnt for me and have had my Biocube running for the past 8 years with no complaints.

I'd be looking to have one or two soft corals and hopefully some LPS, hammers, torches, acans, a blasto. Ive had some luck with these in the biocube, but just dont have the time to dedicate to tons of upgrades. I do think the fluval will down the road give me a little more room to upgrade if that inevitably happens.

Also the wife doesnt like the look of the primes, so trying to do everything i can to keep it sleek and under the hood
Yeah ive been doing this for about 15 years and originally went through the upgrade phase. I decided that wasnt for me and have had my Biocube running for the past 8 years with no complaints.

I'd be looking to have one or two soft corals and hopefully some LPS, hammers, torches, acans, a blasto. Ive had some luck with these in the biocube, but just dont have the time to dedicate to tons of upgrades. I do think the fluval will down the road give me a little more room to upgrade if that inevitably happens.

Also the wife doesnt like the look of the primes, so trying to do everything i can to keep it sleek and under the hood
I know they're new, but what about trying to retrofit the AI blade? From my experience, the way the hood of the fluval flex is set up would provide a decent opportunity for a retrofit. Just a thought.
I know they're new, but what about trying to retrofit the AI blade? From my experience, the way the hood of the fluval flex is set up would provide a decent opportunity for a retrofit. Just a thought.
Looks nice and you're right, something I could mount under the hood. Do you have experience with this? Is it comparable to the primes or anything else?
The AI blades are brand new so I don't know too much about them. But I can bet even one is probably better than the stock light on the fluval flex. You could easily unscrew the mounts to the original light strip and pop the blade right in place assuming they are similar in size. I never tried this but id consider it if my flex didn't crack on me (during a move).
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