Sand/Cycle Question


BRS Member
Started my 12 gl again, put sand in (not live) and 1 softball and a half size rock (established) w/zoas all over it….
I put in a couple cap fulls of Dr Tims……do I need to wait for the sand to cycle? I wouldn’t think so but still need to know…..

Dry sand won't have any die off to worry about, so in that sense nothing to worry about. It will take time for it to really become "live" sand, but being in that process won't hurt anything. Just don't expect it to provide much of a bio filter until it's had some time.

If it were me, I would want to seed that dry sand with a cup or a few out of an established sand bed. Bacteria will come, but all those worms and various micro creatures need to come from somewhere. When I've started my tanks in the past I've always used seeded dry sand, and given it no cycle time at all with no observed issues.
Dry sand won't have any die off to worry about, so in that sense nothing to worry about. It will take time for it to really become "live" sand, but being in that process won't hurt anything. Just don't expect it to provide much of a bio filter until it's had some time.

If it were me, I would want to seed that dry sand with a cup or a few out of an established sand bed. Bacteria will come, but all those worms and various micro creatures need to come from somewhere. When I've started my tanks in the past I've always used seeded dry sand, and given it no cycle time at all with no observed issues.
Yeah, I’m gonna put a cup from my 60…I did put in more rubble rock from my sump….thank you…
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