Finally a member of "the club"

afboundguy's better 1/2

Wife of the year
Dave/Afboundguy (my husband) started his saltwater fish tank when we were first dating and I have really enjoyed sharing this hobby/obsession with him. I'm looking forward to learning more about the various kinds of corals and meeting new people.

Peter and Jared don't you absolutely love the avatar!!!
Well then
Welcome wifey!!! Pretty soon you'll be doing water changes, testing the water and feeding the fish...

well I'll settle for helping me do them before you're on your own :)
Dave/Afboundguy (my husband) started his saltwater fish tank when we were first dating and I have really enjoyed sharing this hobby/obsession with him. I'm looking forward to learning more about the various kinds of corals and meeting new people.

Peter and Jared don't you absolutely love the avatar!!!

Kim, that's the first thing I noticed when I open the thread up. Great avatar!!!...LOL

Welcome Kim!

Note people...Kim is really like a ClosetReefer just like Jen. ;) Those two other guys are just for show.

Welcome wifey!!! Pretty soon you'll be doing water changes, testing the water and feeding the fish...

well I'll settle for helping me do them before you're on your own :)

Trying to get an automatic top off going there Dave?
Welcome to the "club" and it's really nice to see spousal wife's only contribution to the reef is once a week telling me "hey Walter the fricken glass is dirty and I can't see anything...clean it up!"
Trying to get an automatic top off going there Dave?

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't tell her that you'll ruin the suprise :eek:

Welcome to the "club" and it's really nice to see spousal wife's only contribution to the reef is once a week telling me "hey Walter the fricken glass is dirty and I can't see anything...clean it up!"

That's a riot!!! She's worse than I am... Peter can attest to that :D
Dave/Afboundguy (my husband) started his saltwater fish tank when we were first dating and I have really enjoyed sharing this hobby/obsession with him. I'm looking forward to learning more about the various kinds of corals and meeting new people.

Hey Kim, it was nice chatting with you today:), good luck on those Christmas presents. ;)

Welcome to the "club" and it's really nice to see spousal wife's only contribution to the reef is once a week telling me "hey Walter the fricken glass is dirty and I can't see anything...clean it up!"

That's too funny. :D
Welcome aboard! I married into the hobby, too. :) It helps if you understand the hobby if/when you are wondering where your husband is at night. Of course, he's in front of the tank taking pictures, or he's watching the bubbles flow in the skimmer, or he's doing another water change, or... You get the point. ;)
Welcome Kim! Its great to see couples that are very much into their reef tanks. It works out perfectly for Jen and I:p....sometimes she the one that keeps us from buying stuff....but every now and then I have so say "Now Jen do we really need that":p:cool:.

Kim, that's the first thing I noticed when I open the thread up. Great avatar!!!...LOL

Welcome Kim!

Note people...Kim is really like a ClosetReefer just like Jen. ;) Those two other guys are just for show.

Trying to get an automatic top off going there Dave?
LMAO Peter!
Welcome Kim...I am a closet "wife reefer"..I like to tell The husband what should go into the tank...and when it needs his attention!!!!
I like to let him do the dirty work!!!
Dave/Afboundguy (my husband) started his saltwater fish tank when we were first dating and I have really enjoyed sharing this hobby/obsession with him. I'm looking forward to learning more about the various kinds of corals and meeting new people.

Peter and Jared don't you absolutely love the avatar!!!

welcome officially to the forum....the avitar is pretty funny....
That above post makes no sense... I don't even remember posting it lol...
Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
