Hello Everyone


BRS Member
Greeting All,

My name is Rhawn, I am a somewhat recent (3 years) transplant to the Boston area from New Jersey/Philly. I have been in the reefing hobby on and off now for about 8 years, having maintained a 29gal, 3gal and now 9gal mixed reef.

I have been a member of Boston Reefers for a little over a year now, and figured it was probably time for me to introduce myself and share some of my hard work with the group. Hope you all enjoy! And please feel free to add any criticisms you may have... I'm a big boy, i can take it :p

I am currently running an Eheim Aquastyle 35L (~9.2 Gal), with both the included filter kit (dedicated to Chemi-Pure) and a modded AquaClear 70 (as a refugium). I did toss the included light in favor of a DIY LED rig i made a few months ago for my previous tank.

Here is a current look:


Thanks Again!

well...a formal welcome to ya...so you have been trolling our boards for over a year & you finally decided to post? U should come to a meeting sometime...meet some of these people who r always online......so when you were in the jersey area did you have a club you were tight with or people who were friends of yours that were also reefin? I knew a few dudes out that way....

well...a formal welcome to ya...so you have been trolling our boards for over a year & you finally decided to post? U should come to a meeting sometime...meet some of these people who r always online......so when you were in the jersey area did you have a club you were tight with or people who were friends of yours that were also reefin? I knew a few dudes out that way....


one dude was george...
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Aquaman: I wouldn't call it "trolling" so much ;). I am a paid member, although i would admit that it was mostly to get the livestock discount at Skiptons. I actually never did join a club in NJ/Philly, and I wish i did rather than having to go it alone and learn things the 'hard way'.

I think the community here is great, and hope i can begin to contribute.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Aquaman: I wouldn't call it "trolling" so much ;). I am a paid member, although i would admit that it was mostly to get the livestock discount at Skiptons. I actually never did join a club in NJ/Philly, and I wish i did rather than having to go it alone and learn things the 'hard way'.

I think the community here is great, and hope i can begin to contribute.

I hope you weren't taking that the wrong way....There are alot of people who actually visit the site for over a year before they actually set up a user name... You know whats weird...ur a paid member...why hasn't your logo changed to brs paid member?
haha, no, i knew you were joking... Hence the ' ;) '

Hmmm that is weird about the paid logo. I'll have to ask about that, never really noticed before.
Sweet, that worked!

Now onto real business.. So for a while now i have been bitten by the SPS bug, but seem to have trouble keeping any branching type SPS. Each usually ends up RTNing within a few months. My parameters stay fairly constant and are within healthy ranges. But i did just start testing for Alkalinity (6) and Calcium (400).

Is that generally low? and if so, what are best ways to bump them up on small tanks?


Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
