reef keeper

  1. Deydrik

    Been lurking for a bit and figured I'd dip my toes in the water so to speak

    Hello all! I've been in the reef keeping hobby for just over a year now and I feel that I'm finally ready to make my debut. Currently, I own a 75-gallon mixed reef aquarium that is lightly stocked due to an issue from a couple of months ago that has now been solved. As well as a 36-gallon...
  2. Reefman603

    Reef Tank Sustained With Little Maintenance

    Due to my work schedule and life in general I haven’t been on top of tank maintenance like I used to be. But I also was intentionally not doing water changes or any maintenance other than cleaning the glass, this includes no reef additives, no feeding corals, and no skimmer. I wanted to see how...