adding another Ocellaris Clownfish..any suggestions?

Kevin McG

Ni Hao!
Currently I have one but would like to get a mated pair in the tank. Should I get a really small one, same size or a larger one?

Typically you always want to add a smaller fish. The hierarchy of clownfish is one that all small fish typically are immature waiting for their chance to become part of the breeding pair. The largest fish becomes the dominant female in the structure and the next dominant will become the sexually mature male. If something should happen to the female the male with become the dominant female and a smaller immature fish will mature into the dominant male. Once a fish becomes the female there is no turning back.

Depending on the size of your fish (less than 2 inches) you could add a similar sized fish and hope that one becomes the female and the other becomes the male. Or, to be on the safe side, add a slightly smaller fish but then you might have to wait a while for the animal to grow into sexual maturity.

Hope that this helps. Good luck.

When I am pairing one, I go to the store and find a big tankful of them that are all smaller than the one I have. That usually isn't hard to do unless yours is still a juvi in which case it doesn't really matter. I watch them and find the one that is cowtowing to the largest strongest one . Basically you are looking for the second in charge. This ensures that you are getting the healthiest one in the group that has not started thinking about becoming a female. Clowns seem to be pretty good at sorting out strength and health, so use that to your advantage. The female(or soon to be) in your tank is much more likely to find the same fish to be an attractive mate that the (soon to be) female in the other tank though was a catch.