Connecting your Rodi to your controller


I like to be able to turn on an off my Rodi remotely. This is especially helpful when I'm on vacation. I figured some of you might be interested in doing the same. It's really easy and cheap. In addition you can program it to only run a couple hours daily should you choose.

You need a few things.
1. A 2 prong extension cord.
2. Wire caps (please don't skip these their so cheap)
3. Electrical tape (to neaten up the splice)
4.John guest 1/4 inch push fit to threaded fitting
5. Teflon tape
6. Solenoid MUST HAVE 100% DUTY COIL. I hope I stressed that enough. (Get a 110v so you don't need an account adapter)
I used this guy

Teflon tape the 1/4 inch fittings on threaded side and screw in to solenoid.
Cut the female end off your extension cord and strip about 1/4 inch of each wire. Connect them to the solenoid wire (it does not matter which on the solenoid I linked others might). Screw on wire caps. Then electrical tape for extra protection. Cut the 1/4 tube feeding your Rodi unit and fit the solenoid inline. Plug the plug into your controller and program to your hearts content