Don't have anything to donate to the auction? You can still help!

Gina McReeferson

My sweet Baby David
We have 2 members that were generous enough to donate to the Members Auction this coming Sunday, March 8th, but unfortunately cannot attend. We will be needing a couple of volunteers who will be willing to pickup the items and bring them to the auction.

The pickup locations are Lowell and Quincy. Please let us know if you are able to help out with this, PM me for details.

I thank you in advance.:)
Wow, looks like we have a volunteer for Lowell already! :: Really, the people in this club are the best. :eek::)

Still need one for Quincy.....
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I am hoping to make it, but its all up in the air as my GF is getting her wisdom teeth removed this week. If possible and no one else volunteers I live in Braintree and could help out. But again I wont know until Saturday how she is feeling. I will check back in and PM you if I am going to make it.
That would be great, hopefully we'll have a volunteer by then, I'd hate to wait until the last minute, let me know though and thank you for your willingness to help.:)
I can't make the meeting - wedding duties as maid of honor for my sister in law however quincy isn't far from me, I would be more than willing to pick it up and get it to someone that is going or could drop in in Framingham the morning of if someone will be there before 10am. If I can help, it'd be my pleasure.
Thank you, that is very kind of you. I think before 10am may be too early to drop it off at the auction as none of us will be there until later but if you could bring it to someone, that would be great :)....

however quincy isn't far from me, I would be more than willing to pick it up and get it to someone that is going.

Anyone who is going, willing/able to be the "dropoff" for marineang? :) Please post here or PM me....
Donation - Sally

I'll donate one big Sally Lightfoot. And $25, if you can come get him...

(just kidding...)

Jared, that would be awesome! :)

Marineang, PM sent with details about the Quincy pickup.

Could the both of you please PM one another and work out the details?
Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
