Fish Won't Swim in Water Column


Hello all-- I haven't signed on here for a while. Sorry if you've tried to reach me. I went to Europe this summer--and had someone watch my tank. Never a good idea. More or less wiped out my tank but for the fish.

Anyhow, I am rebuilding. All the fish--except two--are always in the rocks. One is a Niger trigger that I have seen be a little aggressive. Otherwise, all docile fish. Trigger has never touched coral and has otherwise been just fine. Is that the issue? Or could there be others? If that is the issue, whoever wants to come get him out and take him, he's yours. Very large Niger Trigger--about 5 inches, beautiful dark/light blue.
I think the question the other fish keep asking each other is who wants to be dinner. They all answer not it.
I don't see him chasing anyone who comes out--just when I put a new fish in. He is big though, so he is intimidating. I would hate to believe it is him, but I want him out if it is.