Mr. Murphy was in the house last night

Flame Angel

Past BRS Pres/2016MOD
Staff member
You know when you think something is off and you choose to ignore it... Well guess what, I thought I saw foot prints in the house the other day when I came home(Mr. Murphy). The tank was spraying bubbles and I figured, well must need some water. So I added about 1/2-3/4 gallon to the sump. Went to work the next morning and came home from work. Hmmmm, saw some foot prints again and the door was unlocked(Mr. Murphy). The tank was spraying bubbles again, so I added a little more water and thought that seemed weird.

Got up this moring and the window was open and more foot prints(Mr.Murphy). The tank was spraying bubbles again, so I decided to look a little more deeper. Hmmmmmm, no signs of a leak in the stand, in the sump or in the front where the carpet is.

Went around the back and felt the carpet. Hmmmmmmmmmm, seems a little wet, but not bad. Followed the plumbing up to the overflow box and everything looked okay. But this time Mr. Murphy left foot prints on the wet rug in back of the tank, so I knew something was up.

I go and grab the drain hose off the bottom of the overflow box and panic set in... What do I do, oh noooooooooooooooooo! Quick, pull the plug to the pump. Okay, ohhhh no the water is pouring back into the sump from the out flow hose.... quick lift it out of the water to break the suction.

Okay, relax I need to get to work... Well that did not happen. Called my lead guy and told him I would not be in and to watch the crew today.

Ran to Home Depot and no luck there. Had to wait for a pool spa place to open at 9am, so I went and had breakfast as there was nothing I could do. At least they had heat and a Koralia moving the water around. Waited until 9am and went to the local pool/spa shop and nothing. The only hose he had was 6' long and would only cause an issue in the long run.

Of course he had a saltwater tank there and started talking about the club, meeting and the forum etc.

Ran up to Salem and hit all the local LFS there and luckily one was open by 10am. (I cannot say there name because I am on the BOD). But thank goodness they were open, so I got what I needed and talked for a few minutes.

Got home around 11:30am and hooked everything back up. Oh noooooo, it's not working. The overflow box was now leaking from the "O" Ring, so I had to pull everything back off again and tighten up the fitting. Put everything back together again and things looked good at 12:30, so I ran to work in Boston.

Needless to say, 5.5hrs later with 2.5 hours on the road and $40.00 later(including breakfast/coffee/gas-not from breakfast). Everything looks fine in the world again and Mr. Murphy better not make anymore visits while I am not home. I really need to have a talk with the two big dogs that must have been sleeping when he came by. He must be buddies with that Allstate mayhem guy.

Well, 30 years using an overflow box and this is the first issue I have ever had.

Look out weekend, here I come!
At least you were home to catch it and hey, you got a three day weekend out of the deal :rolleyes:

I'm only a phone call away Chris if Mr. Murphy decides to make another visit.
I actually still went to work. I ended up getting in at about 1:30pm and left at 4pm. That way I do not have to consider it taking a day.

I thought I had the two big dogs to keep him away.

Maybe if I left a couple of Hinies out on the table he would have never made his way over to the tank.
Haha i saw wet footprints and thought someone was breaking in and messing with your tank. That would be low! Glad all worked out and only cost ya a little bit of money
I guess I am a little to anal. I have 4 water bugs, and low water alarms, high water alarms. When ever I go away if my water varies more than an inch either way Bruno is screwed and gets a phone call. I would never be able to sleep worrying about over flow boxes, and the such
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You know... I told the kids to leave the doors to the house closed and locked.

I Mr. Murphy came back again today.

He went and cut the new hose I put in last Friday going to the sump. Good think he is not too bright. The leak empties into the sump.

Haaa, Haaaa Mr. Murphy...

Oooops, I take that back. Not a good thing to make fun of him.