Need To Catch and Release three Damsels


Okay - I have four damsel fish who need to go. I was able to get one out via a diy trap. the other three are to smart. Need some ideas. If you can catch 'em... you can keep 'em.

Or, does anyone have a REAL fish trap i can borrow?
Archit from love the reef will lend one with a deposit. It might not work. They are smart. When I tried I caught a few fish with a trap and a damsel was the last one to catch. It wouldn't get near that trap. Had to wait until I emptied the tank for the upgrade.
No way. I am not emptying the tank LOL. How do I get I touch with this Archit fellow? Thank you again for the help.
Anthony, I was in the same situation when I got started. Had a couple devilish yellowtail damsels that were a pain to catch. I tried everything...first one I practically emptied the tank to catch but how I caught the second one is quite funny. All it took was starve him a couple days, them I put a little food inside my net and he swam right into it! LOL
The starvation cycle has begun. I plan to catch them this week. Hahaha. Three days now of everything. Fishing is tough!!!
Jdeb101. That damn damsel ate 90% of the blue polyps. I saved a few and I'm trying to grow them in my sump. I loved those thing.
Just to provide my personal experience, I had to empty my tank to get a 4 stripe (black and white) Damsel, and the evil Blue Damsel. Should have been called 'Blue Devil Damsel'. I think my tank was just too small for them to be happy - just absolutely beat everything up. I think I did catch one once, but probably only after a month of trying. And I still had the heart to bring them back to the store (2-3 years later) to give it back to them for $5 store credit.