New Bi-color Angel, questions


I have a 75 gallon tank that is 1 year and 2 months old. I just introduced a bi-color and he is actually getting along great with my khole tang.

He stayed hidden for a few days but now he is out and about all the time picking at the rocks and glass non stop. I feed my fish frozen food but I notice he doesn't really eat. I see the food flow by his mouth and he won't grab it.... Is this just because he is new? Will he eat soon? I don't want it to starve
My Bicolor is a pig..........eats anything and everything I put in the tank.
Give him time, he'll come around.
Sometimes they never end up taking food, as they can stress easy from collection and handling along the way....especially if they are being harassed by another Fish...try some live Brine Shrimp to help initiate the feeding response....they can be picky. Always try and make sure that you see the Fish (especially and Angel) eat at the store before you take it...
And as mentioned, hopefully he will come around and start eating.
Tang and Angel swim in Harmony. He is certainly not stressed from what I can see he jets around the tank happily picking at everything all day long and stays in the front. Is it possible he is currently getting enough off the rocks now and when there isn't much left he will be hungry and grab the food I feed?
I knew mine was eating before I bought it, the LFS where I got it had it for about 2 it was healthy as a horse.

That was the one thing people had told me about Bicolor, make sure they are eating in the store before buying.
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