New from York Maine


Hi everyone I'm new to saltwater and I'm new to York Maine. Anyone in the hobby live in the area? I've kept.freshwater for years but my fiance has been begging for a nice marine tank so im setting up a 29 gallon biocube. I plan on posting a thread chronicling the process at some point so I am more than open to any suggestions, advice, or just plain convo!

Welcome! I've got family in Wells and Eliot. i go up that way all the time only about 30min away from me.. biocubes are great. try and set up a sump in the stand it will be even better...
Get media basket for biocube, it's good. And if yours is HQI version, get fans, chiller our AC for the room.

EpicTouch 4G
I've got a 10 gallon sump I'm installing as well. Where are salisbury do you get you'r livestock? I'm looking for some nice live rock and sand
i normally make the trip over to Jays aquatics in Salem NH. also have oceans in glass and aqua addicts right near there too so if jays doesn't have what your looking for there's options. i started going to pet city in Seabrook when i first started my tank (didn't know about the other guys). there selection is kinda limited. go on a Friday i think they get there orders in on Thursday and you might get lucky and score a cool fish. i wouldn't bother with corals from there but that's a ways of for you anyway. they normally have bagged live sand but its really expensive. for sand your probably best to find the right kinda "play sand" from HD or Lowe's. i think its the silica free stuff but I'm not sure. someone else here I'm sure will know. then you seed with a cup or so of live sand from an established tank. since you haven't started it up yet you could order 30lb or so of the "Marco rock" and seed the same way as the sand. it will be way cheaper then starting with all live sand and live rock as your still going to have to wait for the whole thing to cycle anyway...
South Portland Maine here. Whether you can take advantage of any of the meetings or not, there is a plethora of information for which joining BRS is my highest recommendation and I would certainly encourage you to do so. I personally have been able to attend only one meeting so far, but the gang in the tank are still loving the bag of Anthony's glop we brought home.

If I have anything to offer (being a newbie myself) it is one suggestion since you mention a sump. No matter what you read or hear, if you are doing anything with silicon make sure it says aquarium safe on the label. The few bucks you can save from using any other product is simply not worth the risk. Take that from someone who wiped out his first tank build in less then 24 hours and rendered all the sand and 85 lbs of Coraline covered live rock completely useless.

Not from Maine, but I spend many a nice day at the beach in Ogunquit and York during the summer :)

Welcome to the BRS :)