purple long tentacle anemone


Just purchased a purple long tentacle anemone & it won't stay still. Just all over the tank. I only have about a 2" bed of sand. Will it reside soon? Also will this bother my frogspawn? Seems to be trying to cover it? Are these aggresive?
is it attached to anything? is it moving by crawling (for lack of a better word) or is it floating? if it is not attached to anything, i would turn all pumps and water movement off and see if it settles.
thats what I figured. Is it harmful to any of the other corals in the tank as it free floats over them? Frog spawn, Leathers,Zoos & mushrooms?
Just read I could put the anemone in a 1 1/2 PVC pipe about 5" long. Let it settle & then wedge it into the rocks in a few days. Any ideas
Just read I could put the anemone in a 1 1/2 PVC pipe about 5" long. Let it settle & then wedge it into the rocks in a few days. Any ideas

Patience :D

It will find a home eventually....but it **can** sting your corals. One of my BTA's stung the crap out of my candy cane coral
they move were they like it ive had and anemone thats been on the same rock for 4 years and one day i woke up and it moved and it moves probably 4 times a month now
i have an LTA that was on the move for a really long time. It eventually settled in on a hole in the rockwork on my sandbed, it attatched its foot to the rocks in the back, and it looks great!
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