Purple Tang X Copperband


v 4.0
I got a Copperband but my purple tang was not very happy about him. The purple tang was picking on him and was probably going to kill the CBB. I had to move the CBB to another tank. Just FYI a possible incompatibility if you're thinking about putting them both in the same tank.
Just an idea, remove the tang and leave the cb. after a few weeks, replace the tang. this time he is in someone else's ter.

works for me when i try to put 5 tangs in the same tank :)
I agree with Pinkskunk. I just introduced a CBB with a yellow tang in the tank. I must admit, though, that the yellow tang just 'cornered' the CBB but did not attack him/her. Now 2.5 weeks later, they have come to terms. I have got to believe if you remove the tang for a bit, s/he would feel more like the newcomer than the aggessor/territorial.
I had these two fish together for many years. Everyone knows about the 'mirror' trick, right? You tape a big mirror to the front of your tank for a few days so that the resident fish fights his reflection while the new fish has time to find all the good hiding places. Works wonders.
My yellow tang gave my CBB a real hard time when I first added it but after a few days they settled down and now the tang follows the CBB like a puppy most of the time
Armando - curious....what size tank do you have?

Greg - thanks for the great "mirror trick" tip. I'm definitely going to remember that one!
I think I heard about the mirror trick first from Larry Jackson a good 7 years ago or so.