Question regarding a diagram and microbubbles

Kevin McG

Ni Hao!
I am trying to fine tune the noise and microbubbles I am getting. I have everything pretty much silent but I need to attack the microbubbles I am getting in my display. I did a search and came up with a diagram that may work in my instance.

I have 2 overflows and was wondering if anybody is using this method x 2?

From the picture it looks like I run my drain to the floor of the sump to a 90 degree to a straight into a "T" then run a pipe up over the waterline and cap it and drill some holes in the cap. I cannot visualize how this will stop the bubbles.

Here is what the current setup is like
I found that putting a ball valve towards the bottom of my overflow pipes allowed me to control the flow rate through the pipe eliminaing all the could also try a web/mesh bag on the ends of the pipes....

check my website for a picture of the oveflow I built and you will see the ball valve location...
I have 2 baffles before the return chamber filled with liverock. This keeps the bubbles from getting back into the tank and promotes pod life.