Tank Transfer Success to eliminate Ich?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Anyone here have success with tank transfer method to eliminate ich? I am setting up an ich free tank and I have a mandarin and blue spotted jawfish in QT now. The QT tanks is 20 gallons and has live sand / live rock. My DT has been fallow for 3 months. I am going to treat with Prazi in the DT tank as a preventative measure. I was then wondering if I should do TT on the fish to ensure no ich? Or just place them in DT b/c they have no signs of ich and are not ich prone. When I add my tang I will do Tank Transfer as they are more likely to carry ich.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

I am in the middle of a TT method and hoping to report good things in a few months (DT has only been fallow for a week or so, many many many weeks left).
There are a lot of great articles/threads out there that go over this method, even how to tackle with sand dwelling fish along with other obstacles.

Even though a fish shows no sign, never assume it does not have ich. It is always easier to TT for a few weeks verses losing an entire tank! I've never followed this practice until recently bit, sooooooooo changed my thinking :)
I would say it's a good idea to do the TT with the fish to be safe. If fish can live with ick but show no symptoms for months in a display, it's certainly possible in a QT as well. It would be a shame to go through the whole 3 months of fallow time and QT only to have ick pop up after managing to lie dormant all that time.
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