Temporary overstocking of tank?


Saltwater OCD Victim
So I am in the process of setting up my new 48g. I currently have a 16g and a 10g. The 10g is being sold soon, and only contains one fish (clingfish). The 16g is already overstocked (thus the need to upgrade) at having two clownfish and a royal gramma (peaceful, but overstocked).

My issue is, I need to temporarily put my clingfish into that same 16g (so would be two clowns, a royal gramma, and a clingfish in a 16g =/ )

I of course know this is a bad idea, but I cannot think of another option aside from buying a larger temp tank and setting it up and stressing fish and corals even further.

Sooo... My question. This is going to be temporary as in them being in there for 1-2 weeks tops while the 48g completes its the end of it's mini cycle with 75% live rock.
What are the best suggested methods of maintaining the 16g? It does have a skimmer, and I usually do 5g water changes every week. Should I W/C twice a week instead for that time?

Opinions? I cannot for the life of me think of a responsible way of doing this. There may not be a responsible way, I know, but I am open to ideas.

Only other option is to not sell the 10g yet until the 48g is fully ready (probably most responsible option) so I am working on seeing it that can be done.
I don't see adding an additional fish to the 16gallon would be any issue.
A total of 2 clownfish, a royal gramma, and a clingfish in a 16gallons is far from overstocking IMO.
Some would consider that over stocked others wouldn't. Since it is only temp as long as there is no trace a ammonia you'll be fine. Other than that you would be worrying about phosphates and nitrates but in such a short time you shouldn't have a prove with either. As these elements build up over time on an overstocked tank. You'll be fine just monitor for ammonia the first week if nothing present your tank can handle it.

Far as territory space such a short time you'll be fine. If your having problems from clown aggression just move the rocks around.

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I have decided to do things right and not break down the 10g until the 48g is fully ready. Who knows how long the tank will take to cycle, and I want to keep the time of the 16g running to what I personally consider "overstocked" at a minimum.
That and I don't have room for the rocks and corals from the 10g. 48g build isn't going as planned and has been giving me issues left and right along with financial issues from unexpected home repairs sooo...
Puttingthe whole thing on hold and going at my own pace as we all know that nothing good can ever come from rushing a reef. Thank you all however for your responses!
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