upgrading pumps NEED SUGGESTIONS

Mike Paul

Hi guys im upgrading my 40 breeder pumps right now I have a 800 gl/ph powerhead and a strong return on both ends of tank im thinkin bout Gettin either jbj dúo 500gl/ph wavemakers w/ controller or jabeo wp40 w/ controller jaebos stronger then jbj bit theres two pumps to were jabeo comes with One wat would u suggest I has o 2 800 gl/ph powerheads and return bit it was a lil strong bit wouldd 2 500gl/ph wavemakers be a good fit for A 40 breeder with the return cause the returns prob 600 gl/ph bit let me know wat u think
Look at Tunze controllable pumps with a 7092 controller. A 6095 Nano-stream wideflow like a MP40 and the controller will set you back about $325 plus if you ever do an upgrade you can add another pump to that controller. ALso you can put a night sensor on that controller to slow down or turn off pump at night time when the lights go out. I use that combo on my 60 cube and I'm quite happy with it compared to the MP40 I used to have.
I like the mp 40/10 because they put a nice sweeping undertow over the sand which I find keeps my tank really clean. Never used the tunze pumps but I hear they are good as well but after using the vortexes I don't plan to switch. The battery back up us a good addition as well
Everything Bobofin said plus get the safety connectors and add your own batteries for backup. I used to use 2 MP40s and was aggravated with how many wet sides I went through, 3 in a year and a half. No issues with impellers so far in almost 2 years with the 6095s, had a power supply go bad andp it was promptly replaced by Roger.