Well that was expensive


Viking Corals
BRS Member
Has anyone else have a melanurus wrasse decide to eat a clam? I have had a 2 inch maxima clam for about a week or 2 and he was happy open and reacting everytime I waved my hand over. Then one day I see a nip in his mantel, then the next day I see my wrasse eating away at him. I know they can/ will eat ornamental shrimp, snails and hermits but i didnt know clams too. I guess he decided he wanted clam for dinner.
Oh man that stinks. There are so many species of fish I would love to try but I stay away from any that have even a small chance of being coral eaters. Sorry for your clam :(
Three months ago I bought a really pretty jawfish for $60. I released it into my display where it proceeded to swim directly into an anemone (which I had bought for $8). It took me a few minutes to realize it and by then there was only a small tail hanging out of the anemone's mouth.