Went to an LFS Today

I know what you mean. I went through that when i didn't have a tank and wasn't in the hobby as i was retired for about 15+ years lol

3 up and working on 2 more
It's the addict talking in you, I've been there, I think a lot of us have. I was out for almost 10 years but I always walked into pet shops looking for a an aquarium, just to see it. Always looking in into online clubs, just to see whats going on, like an addict.
I've told myself if i ever get back into it that i would stay with a small tank and never go big again. So I bought a 30 gal. breeder perfect size I thought, and I built a really nice strong and sturdy (over kill) stand for it. Now almost 4 years later that voice in the back of my head starts to say. Wow the 300gl tank in the store or online looked really nice. I start to think I can do again, I can make some room on this corner or against that wall, and then it hits me. My wife on the back of the head telling me, to snap out of it its not happening. Then just a few days ago i noticed some of my sps where starting to die off, my shrooms arent opening as much. I've been real busy at work for the past month that I haven't had time for the tank. Now I want out again, but do I. Nick my apologies I went on your post just my 2 cents of an addict.
You were looking for an excuse. They just didn’t have an ocean big enough outcompete your old system away lol
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Been there. Nothing wrong with living vicariously through others.
There’s a saying in AA. If you hang around the barbershop long enough, your gonna get a haircut. Considering how much I and I’m sure others have enjoyed your build thread. We should all pitch in and send you a limousine to get to the lfs.
Just heard this on the news..... "Nick (aka this is me) of Boston Reef Society has become the majority owner of New England Aquarium. Grand reopening in 2021 after he puts on the Great Barrier Reef wing."

Rumor has it he's changing the name to "Acroworld" and installing The Great Return Pump Flume ride. Starts in Boston and ends in Nantucket.