Wiring LED power question

The River Reef

Okay I need some help from someone that knows wiring electronics well. I want to power LED's with 2 separate power switches using 1 driver. 2-Moonlights and 2-Red LED's coming off a 350ma constant driver. I know how to power all 4 at the same time. What I am looking for is: Always have the driver plug in 24/7. Have a power button that switches from either red or moonlight LED's. I just can't figure out how to keep the closed circuit. It must be a special switch I need?
Okay I need some help from someone that knows wiring electronics well. I want to power LED's with 2 separate power switches using 1 driver. 2-Moonlights and 2-Red LED's coming off a 350ma constant driver. I know how to power all 4 at the same time. What I am looking for is: Always have the driver plug in 24/7. Have a power button that switches from either red or moonlight LED's. I just can't figure out how to keep the closed circuit. It must be a special switch I need?

correction = use 1 power switch to change the colors
I think you are right. I made a quick drawing to make sure I understood the concept. This should do what I need it to:

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