Red hair/cotton candy algae help


We are at our wits end. We beat bryopsis last summer and this took over.

Added a GFO reactor. No help. Added snails and urchins - no help.
We do weekly water changes and reduced light.

Any ideas as I am ready to break down and start over.

No, it's not Cynosure. Definitely a type of hair algae. I have a wp40 in there now, all over the rock and stressing coral. 120 gallon reef.

Thinking of keeping the lights off for a few days.
Waiting for BRS to get the algae x back in stock.

Want bryopsis back .
Try a sea hair yet? Much safer than chemicals. while the algae X may not kill your corals the long term effects are undetermined.

That is what I would try short term with increased maintenance. Also double check your RODI with someone someone else's TDS meter and make sure your top off and water change water is zero TDS.

Think about adding a fuge to out compete the algae.

You might also look at what type of lights you have and their age

Not much else to go on but still all would be moving in the right direction

Deep sand bed? Dosing? LR to tank ratio? Skimmer?
I have the same problem in my frag tank, and I agree, bryopsis or hair algae is easier to deal with. At least normal algae can be pulled off with tweezers. I can't even grab this stuff. I tried 5 weeks of vodka dosing, and the hair algae died, but this stuff won't go away. If you figure something out, please let me know.
I have a fuge. Also vodka dose. My RODI doesn't have a TDS meter. Membrane is 3 years old. Maybe time for a change.
You should be pulling out tons of macro algae
If not you need to look at your setup pictures of you sump fuge would help
And if you are fighting algae and do not know you TDS then that should be your absolute fist step. You can't beat it if you are adding large amounts of nutrients with every waterchange and top off
When is the last time you changed you DI and carbon in your RODI unit
try a foxface or unicon tang, mine wipe out any type of algae except chaeto.
I would stop the vodka dosing. Slowly of course.

I don't know about platehead, but I had it before I had the hair algae and before I started vodka dosing. It came in on some frags and kept growing. My tank is bare bottom no fuge, no sump. My nutrients are high now because I had to rehome a fish for a few months. The vodka works, just not on this algae. It's just nasty. Now it turned into a pinkish white slime/snot that just won't come off. I'm hoping platehead can find a solution that helps me too. :)
I don't know about platehead, but I had it before I had the hair algae and before I started vodka dosing. It came in on some frags and kept growing. My tank is bare bottom no fuge, no sump. My nutrients are high now because I had to rehome a fish for a few months. The vodka works, just not on this algae. It's just nasty. Now it turned into a pinkish white slime/snot that just won't come off. I'm hoping platehead can find a solution that helps me too. :)

Sounds like bacteria and probably from vodka dosing.

But back on point, he needs to go back to basics find the problem. Then he will know where he went wrong. Otherwise he will just fall into more problems down the line. Step one in any setup you should know what is going in your tank and not having any idea of you TDS readings on top of and water change water is a problem.

As far Carbon dosing if your tank is covered with nuisance algae and possibly bacteria how is that working for you? And what do you do to right a problem you can't solve? Remove the variables. anything that can go, goes. That way you reduce the possible issues.
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It's not bacteria like cyano. Doesn't siphon. It's hairy/fuzzy, very short cropped, impossible to grab onto. Again, I had mine before the vodka dosing - I am only doing that to temporarily solve a problem caused by rehoming a fish. I don't disagree with the whole TDS, know your tank philosophy, I'm just saying this stuff is hard to get rid of. None of the conventional methods seem to work. I think this algae hitchhikes into the tank and just won't leave.
I just did a little research, and it seems Mexican turbo snails are our best bet to get rid of this problem. When I get a chance, I'll try them.
It's not bacteria like cyano. Doesn't siphon. It's hairy/fuzzy, very short cropped, impossible to grab onto. Again, I had mine before the vodka dosing - I am only doing that to temporarily solve a problem caused by rehoming a fish. I don't disagree with the whole TDS, know your tank philosophy, I'm just saying this stuff is hard to get rid of. None of the conventional methods seem to work. I think this algae hitchhikes into the tank and just won't leave.

is there an encrusting brown layer under it?

this it?
Listen to me.
My advice will save you time. money, and aggravation.
I too had the Pink Cotton Candy algae.

Peppermints, Hares, turbos (Mexican), Dark Cycles, Vodka, GFO, High Concentrate Peroxide... Nothing will work completely.

There is going to be a re-building period, but most can be saved.
The process involves diluted Muratic Acid and basically starting your rock over. It stinks, but in the end me and the buddy I got it from have been free of this plague for years now. I think there is a thread on here or on R2R.

Here's my results after the process.
I guess let see a photo of the said algae first. There are many type of pink algae.
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