2008 Best Boston Area LFS / Aquarium shop survey - need your participation

Greg Hiller

BRS Moderator
Staff member
BRS Member
Okay, it's finally time to run the BRS local fish supplier (LFS) or aquarium shop survey again. Last time the survey was run (almost two years ago) we had 88 people complete it. I'm hoping for at least that response this year.

If you are interested in participating in the survey:

please send an email with your BRS screen name (and real name) to lfssurvey2008 at bostonreefers.org

ONLY BRS members may participate in the survey (yes, we will be checking). If you work for, or own a shop, please do not ask to take the survey.

I'll be collecting email addresses of those interested in taking the survey over the next week (edit on May 19th, the date has been moved to encourage additional recruitment, you now have until Friday night May 23rd to get your email in). On Friday of next week the survey will go live. You will be sent an email with your password and a link that will take you to the survey. It should not take more than about 5 minutes to take, and you will have 1 week to find the time to take it. The results will be tabulated about 2 weeks after the survey closes. The results will be tabulated in a similar fashion to the last time the survey was run, and posted here on the BRS forum as in the past. The results from the old survey are here:


The survey ONLY covers shops within a 2 hour driving radius of Boston as measured by mapquest.
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bump for the weekend folks. Please shoot me your email address. The survey is very fast to take and the results will be useful to send people in the right direction for a long time to come.
Unfortunately, only 16 people have signed up. That's not nearly enough to make the survey of any value. If we don't get some more people it will have to be canceled for lack of interest. Too bad as I've always said a survey with many opinions far surpasses individual comments in the VE forum for usefulness. A lot of things have changed at a lot of the LFS's in the Boston area in the last 2 years, we may never know if it's for good or not.
I sent it to the second of your two links -- minus the last "dot". ie

lfssurvey2008 @ bostonreefers. org

no dot after org :)
Strange, I clicked on the second one in my last post and that worked?
no period at the end:

lfssurvey2008 at bostonreefers.org

I edited the post.
Another bump. Please participate in the survey, it really will not take long, and is a great chance to help your fellow members know where they should spend their $ and time. We need participants from all geographical regions around Boston to make the results the most valuable.
I would like to participate, but due to having no car I've only even been to one lfs. Isn't that bias? Wouldn't want to skew the results, haha!
Up to about 33. I think I'm going to have to extend the time to enlist people in this. Without a larger number the breakdown via region will not have much meaning.

I might just have to start PMing people one by one to get enough participation. :rolleyes: