54g Corner

Looks good man. Love to see more corner tanks out there! I wish I had room in mine for a clam that size. Keep up the good work.
I was looking for used 54 corners when I started a few months ago. New one at my LFS was 780 with the stand, a lot to spend for someone new to the hobby. Found a 45 corner hex on CL with a stand and settled. Love the look, just wish the front was bowed like yours instead. One day...
Wow 780 that's steep. You should've shopped around a bit more maybe try other lfs in the state. Hex tanks are cool but I've heard they have a tendency to leak at the seams
Looking good bro, really coming along. I'm giving up on my 54 corner. It looks good and all but just not enough room for what I want. I picked up a 90g oceanic RR and am currently building a stand. I built a 40 breeder sump to go with it. Going to start a build thread soon.
Hey thanks a lot. A quick update, I finally got my hydra dialed in where I want it. I added a small cluster of dead barnacles for my barnacle blennies aka the three stooges. I also started target feeding a few different corals twice a week with some Hikari mysis.
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June 9, 2024
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