afboundguy's downsizing (or upgrading???) 25 gallon cube build

Have you tried Petco / Petsmart? That's where I found some - it has been a while and I haven't really checked again though.

No I haven't but they're my next trip. I just scored some San Fran fish eggs, mysis and cyclops+ from Love the Reef today and I'll be getting some TDO small pellets well so I should be good for now...
Less than 24 hours until little target mandarin arrives!!! Did a water change on DT as well as the pod culture and dumped a ton of pods into the tank.
I also changed out the top of the Paul B spot feeder as the RO/DI filter stuff I used wasn't really allowing the brine shrimp naupulia to pass through and it was starting to look like a turf algea scrubber lol
Swapped it out with some black nylon stockings I had. Yes you read that correctly my black nylon stockings lol. I bought some for my bagpiping uniform to keep it clean and tangle free lol...

Had a minor heart attack and freak out moment as the little guy didn't look alive and wasn't moving and the water was pretty cold in the bag. This guy is really tiny (knew that just forgot they were this tiny) and I jumped the gun and messaged the LFS on FaceBook that I had started to put the bag in to see if warming up the bag would wake him up and as I was putting the bag in I saw the little guy yawn... It was quiet a relief... So now the bag is floating with lights off before acclimation starts!!!

Well let see the little bugger

I'll snag a picture when I start acclimating in a bit don't worry... Read above lol I wasn't thinking of grabbing a picture during the freak out moment lol
Actually that would’ve been your first course of action for most lfs’s. Take a picture in original packaging
Yeah I know and I would have but my EMT training kicked in and I the "it's never dead until it's warm and dead" was the first thought I had lol
In my insanity I may have have been doing laundry and went to clean out the dryer catch and I may have went to go put it back on the canopy to close back up the canopy... Similar motions and designs to put them both back together... I was laughing my butt off!!!
Little guy was out today hunting and pecking looking nice and alert! I was worried the spot feeder would be too high for him to get on but this afternoon I saw him up on it so I ran downstairs to grab some freshly hatched baby brine shrimp naupulia as fast as I could and of course in that few minutes he left the area...

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