Aggressive Fire Shrimp?


I put together a nano tank for my girlfriend. First live stock we bought was a fire shrimp. I am used to my skunk cleaner shrimp coming up to my hands and 'cleaning' me... so I stuck my hand in the tank to see what the fire shrimp would do. He swam all the way across the tank, and looked more like he was attacking my hand than cleaning it! my gf said that it had even pinched her with its claws. That $*%(@er!!

Since he is the first inhabitant, I'm worried he has become territorial and will attack anything else we put in.

I've had mine give me a pinch or two when cleaning the glass behind the rocks he likes to patrol during the day. He hasn't really attacked anything other than food that I've dropped into the tank. I was a bit startled the first time the lil bastid pinched me, though.