And the addiction begins....

this is not the hardest part of this hobby.The hardest part is waitting for your tank to cycle and looking at an empty tank for a month.Welcone to your new addiction or sould i say obsession
Is that's Stanley thing from Walmart too

Yes, I was looking in the hardware section for something to organize my stuff and I came across that. It was the last one on the shelf at the Providence Walmart.

this is not the hardest part of this hobby.The hardest part is waitting for your tank to cycle and looking at an empty tank for a month.Welcone to your new addiction or sould i say obsession
Lol, thanks! This is going to be a good test of my patience.
Gotta go pick the girl up from work. Stand has made it upstairs, all I got left to clean is the tank and sump.


Hope she doesn't have plans for the night;)
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Here's the final resting spot.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1356658014.220514.jpg

Gotta take a few things first tonight before I can get to the tank and sump.

Hoping to get the tank up and on the stand by tomorrow filled with rock and sand by this weekend to start the cycle.

Fingers crossed.
I'm also keeping track of my costs. I originally got a quote from a LFS in Warwick for a 60G cube with everything to get up and running minus livestock. They quoted me roughly $2800 not including tax.

I'm curious how much less it will cost me to do pretty much the same thing, I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but I don't really think 10G difference will make much of a difference cost wise.

hehe i know exactly where you went... only place a 50g would cost that much
I'm also keeping track of my costs. I originally got a quote from a LFS in Warwick for a 60G cube with everything to get up and running minus livestock. They quoted me roughly $2800 not including tax.

I'm curious how much less it will cost me to do pretty much the same thing, I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but I don't really think 10G difference will make much of a difference cost wise.

oops double post
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^+1 he just said everything I was going to answer with.

You can use bleach though? Never knew. IDK how i'd feel about that?

Someone told me that bleach and vinegar was the ultimate cleaner. I think it was on BRS. Bleach is chlorine and it dissipates over time or you can use Prime or Amquel to get rid of it, but I agree, vinegar should be enough.
I'm also keeping track of my costs. I originally got a quote from a LFS in Warwick for a 60G cube with everything to get up and running minus livestock. They quoted me roughly $2800 not including tax.

I'm curious how much less it will cost me to do pretty much the same thing, I know it's not an apples to apples comparison, but I don't really think 10G difference will make much of a difference cost wise.

$2800??? No way. I set up a 40 breeder with 110lbs of live rock. The entire set up, including a $400 skimmer, ATO, reef keeper lite, and everything else cost me under $1500 and I have around $600 in corals right now.

Where they going to go over to your house and set everything up and get it running for you?
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Under the stand? I thought you put the board on top of the stand, but under the tank? That's what GlassCages told me to do anyways. But I leveled out my stand anyways. Turns out my basement floor was already perfectly level FTW.

And $2,800 if high priced.

I set up my 40 breeder with starfire 3 sides and black silicone custom stand vortech sump overflow sand rock water light skimmer ReefKeeper etc etc

And my full set up in the end was like $1,500 for the 40.

I paid $650 total with tax and shipping for my 40g breeder starfire black silicone with stand.

I feel as though you could keep things under $2,000 very easily. If you need any advice or ideas on things to buy LMK. There's no right or wrong ansers, but I love making suggestions, lol.

PM me if you need ideas.
$2800??? No way. I set up a 40 breeder with 110lbs of live rock. The entire set up, including a $400 skimmer, ATO, reef keeper lite, and everything else cost me under $1500 and I have around $600 in corals right now.

Where they going to go over to your house and set everything up and get it running for you?

Nope, just trying to over charge me LOL.
Ok, what do you think the best way to clean this would be? Part of me says take the plumbing apart, but the other half says leave and clean it the best you can. I would think it wouldn't hurt considering it is going to be cycled before adding any livestock.

Im gonna soak the sump plumbing in vinegar overnight, if I can't get them clean ill just replace the PVC. Should be an easy job if I need to change it.

Hopefully I can put it back without any leftover pieces lol;)
I'd remove it personally and soak it. A big adjustable wrench may do the trick to remove that. Just make sure after it's clean the seals are cleaned so it doesn't leak.
Yeah, I think I'm going to take everything apart and give a good soak in some vinegar. Once it warms up a little bit today (gets above freezing) I'm going to hose the sump out and finish that up so I can hopefully at least get that in the cabinet while everything else is soaking.

I need to figure out pumps, one for the return and one for the refugium, and a heater which I thinking 150W would work, that's about 3W/gal. Then just some live rock and sand and I think I can pretty much start my cycle. I'm thinking of going with Instant Ocean Reef Crystals, but I don't think I would be able to tell the difference between brands at this point in my experience level so I'm open to suggestions on other salt mixes.

Do I need a skimmer to start the cycle or can I add that once it's ready for livestock?
You can add the skimmer later after its been cycling a few days. Since the water is so clean now you won't get much foam anyway.
Ok, what do you think the best way to clean this would be? Part of me says take the plumbing apart, but the other half says leave and clean it the best you can. I would think it wouldn't hurt considering it is going to be cycled before adding any livestock.
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Im gonna soak the sump plumbing in vinegar overnight, if I can't get them clean ill just replace the PVC. Should be an easy job if I need to change it.

Hopefully I can put it back without any leftover pieces lol;)

dont over tighten bulkheads you WILL crack your tank. i tighten them as much as possible with my hand and then give it a little turn with the wrench to snug it up a bit more
You don't NEED a skimmer to start the cycle no. And Reef Crystals is a great salt to work with but since you're not running corals for awhile regular IO salt would be fine,
then switch to crystals once you start adding corals. No point in paying extra for extra additives that aren't gonna be used up by corals you know? 150W is fine for that size tank for sure.
That's what I run, but it never hurts to have two in case one fails cuz you gotta keep your tank warm while you get the other fixed or replaced.
As far as a pump for the return and a pump for the refugium, you can actually skip a step and run both off one larger pump with a T-fitting and two ball valves.
One before the line up to the DT and one on the other side of the T before the output into the refugium.
That's what I did and it saves money, electricity, and cuts down on possible heat from the pump. Cuts on noise too.
Also makes it very much adjustable to control flow into the DT and the flow speed thru the refugium.
If you can find and afford it, gate valves are even better to use.

I'm actually thinking about swapping the line coming out of my pump for a flexible pipe to help reduce vibration and thus quiet my tank even more.
Thing is, my tank is already extremely silent. Sounds like a few computer fans running. No lie. Wish I had a video update to show it.
You can put foam, dynomat, egg crate, or even cardboard cup holders inside your stand to break up and dampen sound and then your tank can be literally silent aside from a quiet overflow and powerhead.

+1 to not overtightening the bulkheads. I personally use teflon tape thickly on the threads and put basic silicone where the bulkhead sits flush to the tank.
It can stop/prevent any potenial hairline leaks. 6 months now and I have never seen even one drop nor one flake of salt back there.
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So I decided to put the tank in the corner instead. Seems more logical that way. The couch can slide out if the way if need be.

I'm almost positive this is setup the same as it was before I took it apart;). I bought some starboard that I'm going to put on the bottom on the tank to protect it from rocks and I can use the rest to use in the sump.

Now I just have take apart the plumbing and soak it:)
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