Annual BRS Auction - April 2nd in Billerica!!

I have the following items to donate:

20 g tall AGA tank
24" scraper
96W Jalli PC fixture
Odds n ends

Can't go to meeting. Can someone pick this up from me in either Waltham or Rockport?
We of course appreciate any and all donations from members. The BOD is a little short handed at the moment as many of us are rushing around picking up stuff here or there, and attempting to get stuff ready for the auction. Anyone close to Sir Hoggas that could pickup and bring to the auction?
I may be able to meet him. I can't stay for the whole meeting, but I at least need to get my membership card. Maybe if every one is extra nice(LOL), I will try to meet him friday and I will make a trip across rt 20 to Sudbury to get some southdown for any one who wants it. I only have a half ton pick up so I will be limited as to how much I can pu........
Please post your donations on this donation request thread.

Pictures of your donations are really helpful too, because it'll help drum up excitement for those gems, and raise more money for the club. :)
Just bring your donations to the meeting. If you cannot make the meeting try and finds someone close to you that is coming and can pick up. If that doesn't work we may be able to find someone willing to drive over whereever you are located to pick up.
Regarding the auction, are you looking for dry goods as well as livestock? Tanks, stands, additives (not opened) etc. All nearly new and some brand new.

We are looking for anything we can sell. Keep in mind that used tanks, stands, additives, etc. may not go for much, and to move the auction along we might bundle things together.
Greg, as a practical matter will all transactions need to be cash or will the BRS take checks? Just want to plan to bring enough cash :D
see if they have internet access there and you could take paypal also
just a thought
Credit Card

I believe BRS accepted Credit Cards at one of the auctions to support MACNA. Will CCs be accepted at this auction?

At the previous auctions, we used Preferred Travel's merchant account to accept credit cards. We have no relationship with them now, so I doubt CC's can be used. Perhaps there's another way.

Personal checks can be accepted.
I guess so, if we had a computer with internet access at the auction.
Then people could come up to the computer, sign into their PayPal account and send the money to the BRS.
Or is there another process w/ PayPal that you were thinking about?
I have some dry goods to donate to the club auction. I was hoping to have this Saturday off. If some one can come down and pick it up, it will help the club out. Sorry for short notice.

The items are:

1) B-Ionic Magnesium
1) Calcium Chloride
1) Bromide Fluoride
1) Strontium Chloride
1) B-Ionic Calcium Buffer No.1 and No.2
1) Spray-Dried Marine Phytoplankton
Is there going to be a listing of everything available before the auction? I thought someone had mentioned that there would be a listing with pics of everything. Right now, while there is some admittedly very cool stuff, I don't see enough interesting stuff to justify the drive up. I'd hate to drive all that way (almost 3 hrs) only to find that the dozen or so cool frags I've seen posted are the only cool things available for a few hundred people to bid on. Last year there was a list of companies that had donated stuff, is this happening again this year or is it just stuff donated from club members?
will there be any kind of refreshments .. it can turn out to be a long day! thanks
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Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
