Anthias Question


Hi, Anyone keeping squamipinnis a long period of time? Have been able to keep them for a month or 2 then they stop eating and die. Have a 125 g reef, water parameters are good and no aggressive fish. Love the fish but don't want to buy if survival rate is low. TY.
I've had success with keeping them (so far) 1.5 yrs in a Red Sea reefer 450 mixed reef. I feed a lot - frozen twice a day, flake once or twice a day, hatched baby brine once a day and the occasional white worms. My nitrates/phosphates always run high, but the fish are fat and happy.
I bought 6 and still have have 5, had two turn to males so I gave the other away. I don’t treat them any differently, feed once or twice a day and they’ve been good. They even went through a full QT protocol. Bought them from NY Aquatics
I bought 6 and still have have 5, had two turn to males so I gave the other away. I don’t treat them any differently, feed once or twice a day and they’ve been good. They even went through a full QT protocol. Bought them from NY Aquatics
What type and how long have them. Also did you quarantine them or did NY Aquatics?
I have 2 lyretail females I purchased from Petco about 2 months ago at this point still going strong. The tank is fed 2x/day, mostly reef frenzy. I do mix a little selcon and garlic in with the food.
6 lyretails. I did the qt myself. GC, metro and copper power followed by observation. Have them for 6 months now
I don't QT. Seem to lose more fish that way. Take Paul B's approach. They always eat at beginning them over next month or 2 stop then die off. Feed Larry's, Live Blackworms and my own blend of fresh seafood.
I’ve got a group of 7; lost one during a 12wk QT (copper/prazi/metro). Fed pellets four times a day with an autofeeder and supplemental feeds whenever. Having a bigger group definitely helps spread out any pestering behaviours. Had them almost a year now.
There was an lfs inTewksbury that had a tank with a bunch af large anthious and Cromis. He must have had them awhile. I think it was saltwaterb.
I have had my male for almost a year now in my 60 cube. I feed 3-4 times per day and he eats every time. I was thinking of getting a female or 2 for him.
It is General Cure. Prazi will also do the same and there are reef “options” with that. Do you see stringy poop? Fish that constantly eat but don’t get any bigger or healthier?
It is General Cure. Prazi will also do the same and there are reef “options” with that. Do you see stringy poop? Fish that constantly eat but don’t get any bigger or healthier?
No on stringy Poop. Fish I have are fat and healthy. Feed Live worms, Larry's and a mix of fresh seafood. Have had 3 sets of trios w/Anthias and Bengai Cardinals. Same thing happens. They eat fine at begining The 1 disapears, then a 2nd disapears and after a month or so the dominant 1 disapears.
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