Anybody using the Super Reef Octopus XP-1000SSS?

Andy V

What water level are you using? Their website says 5.5" is optimal depth, which is what I am running. The problem is that the bubbles start way low in the cone, making almost no skimmate, or if I close the gate valve, the thing floods. any help is appreciated.
You raise the level of the bubbles by turning the gate valve very slightly and waiting an hour or so between adjustments. Are you doing so and still not able to get the bubbles up without overflowing? Has this broken in yet? How long have you had it set up?
Yes, like I said in the original post, when I close the gate valve, the thing floods. And I am making TINY adjustments. What I am saying is there does not seem to be a happy medium. If I raise the skimmer (effectively lowering the water level), would that help or just do nothing? The space the skimmer sits in is pretty tight, but the water level is stable. Could the tight space be a problem?
5.5" is optimal depth? I have mine at 8" and it runs like a champ, pulls out nasty gunk. I just looked at their website, that can't be right. Try 8". All the info I got last year said 8".
I have my sro1000 in 7 inces of water and works like a charm but once the water evaporates it does lose some of its height in skimmer body so water height has to stay the same for optimal perfomance
i have the SRO2000XP and had a problem of it overflowing the collection cup with the gate valve all the way open!!! turns out if you have the output pipe under too much water this will happen, doesnt address your issue but i thought it might help. i know when my was new in the sump it needed some time to break in and now its great.
i have the SRO2000XP and had a problem of it overflowing the collection cup with the gate valve all the way open!!! turns out if you have the output pipe under too much water this will happen, doesnt address your issue but i thought it might help. i know when my was new in the sump it needed some time to break in and now its great.

Yes, I have the same issue with my XP-2000. It is the case with all skimmers, less water in the reaction chamber = more forgiving. I.e. it is easier to adjust. More water in the reaction chamber is less forgiving and it is difficult to adjust without overflowing.

However, it dosn't sound like the OP has too much water in the reaction chamber, so, I doubt that is the problem. Most likely it just needs to break in, although, I don't think he answered that question. Anyways though, oils break up bubbles and there tends to be oils of the components of the skimmer, left over from the manufacturing process. It can take up to a month for these oils to break down and for the skimmer to start working optimally....
The skimmer has been running for four months now, so break-in isn't a problem. Coralvue's website is awful, and it is completely unclear what depth the water should be, but the website used to say 5.5" previously. If you read the directions with the skimmer, they actually say the output of the gate valve should be above the water level, which is impossible with this skimmer. Their manuals are terrible.

Regardless, I will try to raise the water level as some of you suggested and see what that does. Thanks guys.
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I feel your pain. I've had the super reef octopus 1000 SSS for a about two weeks. I have it in 7" of water. It is 100% impossible to have the output below the water level. The output is just as low if not lower than the input to the pump. I have the water level in the skimmer well below the max water line on the neck (like 3" lower). If I increase the water level in the skimmer (making the slightest adjustment) it seems to overflow with in 10 to 15 min. If I keep it at the current level, it skims a little bit, but seems to be very inefficient. It will go multiple days with out producing skimmate.

I'm hoping to see some improvement in the next few weeks.
Any improvments so far? Try raising the water to 7" or 7.5" and running it with the water level in the skimmer 2 or 3 inches below the max water line on the skimmer neck. I may have got mine dialed in. It's gotten much dirtier the last few days which has helped a bunch.
I haven't moved the water up yet. It's kind of tough to explain, but I would need to adjust where my float switch is, so I have been too lazy to do it. That being said, the thing has been working a little better lately anyway. I intend to increase the water level within a couple of weeks.
I have this skimmer... and its in 6 inches of water and impossible to adjust... I either get no skimmate or it over flows on me. this things a piece of crap
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