Anyone able to keep 2 blennies in one tank?


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BRS Member
Have a bicolor blenny and wanted to add a lawnmower or similar..don't think it will work from what I've read over the years but want to know if anyone has tried and suceeded...TIA
I tried once.. Failed miserably...

I have a Starry Lawnmower Blenny and he will not tolerate any fish that has a similar shape as he does..He's like a vicious dog and immediately & relentlessly attacks
I have a bicolor and a red lip in a 47 bow and have no problems. The red lip was the last fish added and was actually the biggest jerk for a month or two. The bicolor never showed any aggression. The red lip calmed down and doesn't bother the other fish now (bicolor, flame angel and melanurus wrasse). It does, however, attack my hand whenever I put it in the tank!
thanks for posting your experiences...I think I'm going to skip the idea of another blenny.
My display is a 130 cube, 3'x3'x24". I had no problems with a tail spot and a bicolor for 3 years. I have 1 large rock island and one small. They each took one and defended it. Usually a lot of posturing, but rarely if ever any contact. For the most part they behaved although the bicolor was dominant.

I should also add, with the 2 of them, any other bottom dwelling fish had a rough time getting settled. They ate yellow watchmen for breakfast.
I think if I had a larger tank, I would give it a's only approx 70 gal 3' tank.
Perhaps I am luckier than I realized. My bicolor is totally peaceful and never bothers anyone. Except for a short while where the red lip tried chasing the other fish away from the food he is fine too. They are only in a 47.