Anyone ever have issues with not being able to put your hand in the tank to do mainte


Anyone ever have issues with not being able to put your hand in the tank to do maintenance or place corals due to clowns viciously biting? I know it sounds kind of wimpy how much damage can a clown really do? Well one of mine finally managed to draw blood I was so pissed I was ready to flush him!:D lol How have you guys handled issues like this? Chainmail?
Both my tanks only the male bites me. Freaked me out the first time it happened to me... They don't do it as much now. I used to have to catch the male in a spec container and keep him out of the tank when I had to stick my hands in. It was easy enough to catch him because clowns are easy to catch normally and the idiots would swim right to my hand :D
I actually caught a large sebae by using fishing line wrapped around a piece of shrimp, the dummy attacked it & wouldn't let go as I was lifting him out of the tank.
mine likes to attach me too, even when on the other side of tank from where they host. i started putting baster in tank with my hand and blowing the clown to scare it seems like it bites less now.
So much for 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'.

Considered a radio controlled submarine with mini torpedoes? Maybe wear one of those thumb wrestling characters..

My clowns thankfully leave me alone. But the female is FEARLESS and absolutely hates the scraper. In her corner, a nice batch of coralline is growing on the glass. I can't get in there as she whips her tail like mad at the scraper. I don't want her to cut/pierce herself on the metal blade... so I pretty much leave it be in that spot.
haha yea it seems to be my male doing all the biting. Funny thing is while he bites me the female bites him!
So much for 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'.

Considered a radio controlled submarine with mini torpedoes? Maybe wear one of those thumb wrestling characters..

My clowns thankfully leave me alone. But the female is FEARLESS and absolutely hates the scraper. In her corner, a nice batch of coralline is growing on the glass. I can't get in there as she whips her tail like mad at the scraper. I don't want her to cut/pierce herself on the metal blade... so I pretty much leave it be in that spot.

haha a mini sub would be awesome! My clowns hate everything maybe some time in the sump with the lights out will fix em.
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