Apex question


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
What does an apex classic need to connect to the app? Does it have built in wifi? Do I need some sort of an adapter?
If you connect it directly to the ethernet port you can use the fusion app. If you want it wireless you need a nano router I believe
:mad::mad::mad: OK so after checking online that it was available went to Staples. Rather than walk around the store I asked for help from and employee. I knew right then it was going to go bad from there on out. His first response was I work on this side of the store lets go and ask the guy that works on the other side of the store He asked What is it? I knew right then it was going to go bad from there on out. After explaining it to him he says lets go talk to this lady. And she had no idea wht i was even talking about even after i had explained it 2 more times. Well aggravated I drove home and ordered it from Amazon.
I'm not sure what you ordered, but these are what I use.

This is what I use.
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