Apex question


Viking Corals
BRS Member
So I lost power a few days ago for about 5 hours and I thought everything was ok until today. I go to feed the fish and I feel the water and its really warm. I look at my apex app and it shows that temp is at 78.8 I go and grab to different temp readers and both show 80.1. Am I supposed to recalibrate the temp probe after power outage? This is weird and I have tried to google it but it seems nobody has had issues like this.
I'm sure you'll get some answers before the 25th, but we're hosting Derrick Picker of YT-ReefAutomation
I have to regularly (every couple of weeks) recalibrate my Apex temp probe with a thermopen, regardless of power outage.
How old is your apex? If it's under a year wouldn't Neptune cover that replacement?
An ounce of prevention is priceless. Recalibration should be done monthly just to make sure everything is where it should. Putting to much faith in automation can have devastating results.
I calibrated mine when I first started but it wasn’t off by much it was Only off by .01 to .03 if I remember correctly probably time for a new probe.
In all seriousness, are these things worth the money? If you put eyes on the tank every day I am beginning to think these things are a waste of money and distraction/time suck taking me away from critical hands on maintenance jobs. I am all about redundant systems and wise design of tanks/sumps that help stave off disasters but at what point does the preparation/prevention become a diminishing return and potential problem?
Personally, I rather spend dough on a whole house genset first, that automatically fires up and has a lasting fuel supply. That is money well spent. Yes, I do know the APEX can tell you that there is a power outage if it has battery backup and your internet stays connected/live. Also, reading the recent reviews on APEX equipment makes me think it is a big waste of my time and money. If you wanted to buy one of these, what brand is the best? What minimum values would you monitor to stave off disasters? Temp and pH? Alk too? Thanks in advance.
In all seriousness, are these things worth the money? If you put eyes on the tank every day I am beginning to think these things are a waste of money and distraction/time suck taking me away from critical hands on maintenance jobs. I am all about redundant systems and wise design of tanks/sumps that help stave off disasters but at what point does the preparation/prevention become a diminishing return and potential problem?
Personally, I rather spend dough on a whole house genset first, that automatically fires up and has a lasting fuel supply. That is money well spent. Yes, I do know the APEX can tell you that there is a power outage if it has battery backup and your internet stays connected/live. Also, reading the recent reviews on APEX equipment makes me think it is a big waste of my time and money. If you wanted to buy one of these, what brand is the best? What minimum values would you monitor to stave off disasters? Temp and pH? Alk too? Thanks in advance.

i got it because i have major back issues where there will be times where i cant get out of bed for a few days and sometimes even upto a week. yes i have my wife here with me but she doesnt know how to test the tank or even what to look for if something is going wrong(except fish death or water leaking). i can monitor the tank from my bed and if need be i can shut something off if needed. i do plan on getting the trident but i just dont have the funds yet to do so. it has been a life saver this whole summer keeping my tank temps down.
i got it because i have major back issues where there will be times where i cant get out of bed for a few days and sometimes even upto a week. yes i have my wife here with me but she doesnt know how to test the tank or even what to look for if something is going wrong(except fish death or water leaking). i can monitor the tank from my bed and if need be i can shut something off if needed. i do plan on getting the trident but i just dont have the funds yet to do so. it has been a life saver this whole summer keeping my tank temps down.
I totally get it in situations such as this where the ability to intervene with care can be compromised by travel, medical or you name the issue...
I am a complete newbie to these automation systems and see that there are many options now. I am wondering if APEX products are the best choice, and at what level most think these are necessary to ensure a level of protection. They have major capabilities, and I am wondering what main parameters and controls most trust an APEX to monitor/maintain? I hope your back issues stay under control!!! I have started thinking about controllers but am taking it slow. The investment is steep, but I have invested a lot already and love my animals so I want to make sure they are safe. I have a genset that will run the tank for days but it is a cheap Harbor Freight Gasser. It has saved the reef before, 5 days during Hurricane Irene. I am thinking it is either automated genset or controller next... the controller is a lot cheaper!
Not to detail this thread at all. I went with ghl ecosystem because how could all those amazing reef tanks in europe and asia be so wrong. More neptune users stateside, but if you research people that have used both the majority will say ghl.
Putting all your eggs in one automation basket can be risky, but we are all relying on automation already. The most common automated devices in our tanks are tank heaters.

The Apex Jr was a priced better in my opinion. $500 for the Apex EL is a lot of $.

Is a controller worth the money? That depends on the person, needs, budget, and such. They are very convenient and nice to have. I’ve had past tanks with DJ switches and click tab light timers. I currently have tanks with Apex controllers. Do I need the Apex? No. I don’t use or need the pH probe since I don’t run Kalk or a Calcium reactor. The controllable outlets, feed mode, and notifications are nice, but now there are $30 Wi-Fi controllable power strips and $80 tank thermometers with notifications. Knowing what I know now and with the current, new tech available, I probably wouldn’t buy an Apex. I would probably spend the $110 on the controllable power strip and wireless smart thermometer and put the remaining $390 into something else.
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So I lost power a few days ago for about 5 hours and I thought everything was ok until today. I go to feed the fish and I feel the water and its really warm. I look at my apex app and it shows that temp is at 78.8 I go and grab to different temp readers and both show 80.1. Am I supposed to recalibrate the temp probe after power outage? This is weird and I have tried to google it but it seems nobody has had issues like this.
My 3 temp probes have stayed spot on for 1-2 years. I have large thermometers on the outside of my tanks that I also check everyday.

I seriously thought about buying this Inkbird smart thermometer as a backup thermometer, but the price and metal probe changed my mind.

Inkbird Wireless Smart Thermometer, IBS-TH
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I actually use 2 temp probes one in the tank and 1 in the sump. Apex is worth every penny. That way I can focus on the important stuff and have it do the repetitive stuff and warn me when I need to check something
I actually use 2 temp probes one in the tank and 1 in the sump. Apex is worth every penny. That way I can focus on the important stuff and have it do the repetitive stuff and warn me when I need to check something
That’s smart.
endless control as elaborate or simple. I’m getting to be a control freak lol! gonna automate the mixing station next
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