Aquatic InXteriors - anybody visited this store in Stoughton


That's Mr.Murphy to you!
A co-worker of mine just dropped a business card off for a store called Aquatic InXteriors located in Stoughton, MA. Has anybody visited this store? Your thoughts? The business card is colorfull and shiney, just wondering if the store was the same? :)
It's not a bad place. I've been there a couple times as it's not too far from me. It has potential, it's set up nice and they have lots of tanks, but they only have mostly softies and no good SPS if I can remember correctly. I'm sure in time it will improve.
i bought my cube there they had a good price on it,but all there systems ran on tap water,do most other lfs run tap?i know of some
I wonder has anyone asked them if they would be interested in becoming a sponsor , we can use all ,we can find
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