Auto Top Off Question


The Fish Meister
This may have an obvious answer, but I've never had a sump so I am wondering...
If I have my auto top off in a 10 gallon sump to top off my 50 gallon display using a gravity auto top off method, would the evaporation rate be the same in the sump as the main display thus topping off the 50 gallon display with the correct amount of water?

Thanks for the help, I am going to be asking a few questions now and then now that I'm planning for my upgrade :D
maybe I am reading this wrong or not understanding what you mean, but evaporation from your sump would go into the air, not into the DT. Anything going into the sump, would be added to the water volume and recirculated through the display.
or are you meaning would the evaporation rate be equal to the drip of the ATO, therefore you wouldn't need a float switch?
What I am asking and don't understand is can my auto top off me used in my sump? Would this add the correct amount of top off water throughout my system?
well I dont know alot about ATO systems, but I believe that the evaporation rate would be less then the output of the RODI. Therefore you would need a float switch or something to shut the water output off once the correct volume is reached. However I don't know which system or method of ATO is the best because if the float switch fails, you would probably overflow your sump because the RODI will keep flowing.

you could proabably dial down the output of the RODI, but evaporation rates change in different temperatures and seasons, so it would never really match the evaporation rate consistantly.

Someone with a setup will probably chime in, I don't wanna give you bad advice.
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Thanks for the help, I am want to use a gravity system which would require a float switch (or two?). I am in very unfamiliar territory...
If you have an overflow the level of water in the display shouldn't change and you should just be adding water to the sump.
I am trying to figure out what you are getting at, but not sure if I have it or not. If you use an ato to feed your sump, you need a float switch somewhere to turn off the ato when the proper level is reached, thus achieving the proper level throughout your system. if you are using strictly gravity where the ato is next to your sump and you let the levels equalize on there own I suppose that is possible also, but a lot harder imo than using a switch setup of some sort. i hope that helps even a little.....some more info might help me understand more of what you are getting at....
ideally, two float switches can be used so if one fails, you have the second for a backup to stop the flow into your sump and stop a possible flood....
The answer is;

You put the ATO sensor/float switch in the sump, that will cover the whole system (as long as it is plumbed into a system).

The water level in the display will stay the same, without an ATO you'll see the evaporation come out of the sump as the pump will keep feeding the display at the same rate, and the overflow will drain at the same rate that the pump pumps.
Excellent, that is what I was wondering :) sorry if I phrased it weird... Thanks all for the help!
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