Awesome kitchen w/ aquarium video

No...I just didn't like the way she was bragging about everything. Fossilized ruby encrusted coutertops for $150k? She is a spoiled D-Bag.
Sure she wasn't the designer? I didn't watch the whole thing but if it was a designer of course she would brag about what she had designed. She is no Robin leach though

Some people have money to burn, but I am not one of them.
She kept saying we so I thought she meant her and the hubby...but it was an assumption on my part.

The tank was pretty cool but I kept thinking who cleans it?
I've watched the show when it was on tv. and think they all designed their own setups and to me seemed a lot like infomercial in some ways.
All that money and fake coral? Lame!
Ill keep my setup
Happy with my low budget slice of reef.
All that money and fake coral? Lame!
Ill keep my setup
Happy with my low budget slice of reef.

I wouldn't exactly call or setups low budget!lol!that one was just the extreme..shes not in it for the hobby...just the pretty fish.I'll have to say that bar is sick though.wondering where all the lighting is...
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