Brandon’s 180 Upgrade

Have you thought about diffusers? With the added intensity and available power to increase, it might be a good option for the Radions. Should get rid of the disco ball and blend the colors a little better.
Looking sweet!!
Is that angelfish I see?

So far I'm indifferent on the radions. They're incredible pieces of gear but the subtle disco ball effect on the sand pisses me off. The kessils just blended so well and created the best shimmer around. Time will tell. Something tells me the growth I'll get from these is going to be comical compared to the kessils, fingers crossed. Plan on picking up my final 10 sticks this weekend to make it an even 50 acro's. After that we let things settle and grow grow grow.


In February I found a 180 for cheap money an hour away from where I live. However it was freshwater and had the dual column overflows I hated. However it was a great deal and beggars can’t be choosers. I made the drive with my friend and loaded two truck loads of gear. The tank was absolutely disgusting and needed some serious TLC. After spending two hours removing fish, mud, and tons of equipment my buddy and I moved the tank into the bed of the truck. All went well. Then during the tie down the glass chips...took a lot of effort to not lose my mind right then and there.

Reached out to a few people to see what they though and said it would be fine. Just to check I filled it with water and left it for a week, even pressing on the glass from the inside just to make sure. I deemed it safe to fill. Spent just about 6 hours cleaning and applied extra silicone in all four corners for aesthetics.
Johnson I have similar chips in a tank I have, I will post pictures tomorrow morning and get your opinion on the chips.

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