BRS Annual propagation workshop at Greg's

Not to be rude but . . . if there's too much controversy maybe Greg won't be so happy about opening up his home, having his wife prepare food and giving out frags. Greg has been nice enough to do this yet again at the request of the Officers and BOD. Let's not ruin it by arguing over how the Officers and BOD have decided on how we choose who gets to go.
if it the work it will take i'll do it we can make a new tread that people simply post i want to go make a cut off time for 9 pm friday may 21 i will later that night post i all names with a # by it & make that many tickets with numbers at the meeting we can draw the tickets
littlep93056 said:
moe lots of people can not be on this site even if you give the time you we post it for what ever reason the hat draw is the best way

so why don't we put it to a vote on how it should be done
What about people in the group with no internet access - there are a few. They don't even get word of this event. Is this whole process fair to them? If we change it to a sign up then raffle, is that fair to them?
I cannot please everyone. So, as per previous years I picked the method based on two rationale:
One; the method I think is most fair (as previously discussed w/ the host)
Two; the method that is most convenient for me to organize

I spend a lot of time organizing things, Mike. I'd not like to spend more than I already have to. This process worked the last three years.
All you have to do is watch the boards for a 2 hour window on the day in question. Is that a lot to ask?
i agree with robbot. greg and his wife are generous in letting us come to their place. i just say let the officers deal with it.
Another suggestion might be to take the people who sogn up over a 24 hour period and then put the names in a hat and pick 10. That way members who don't have a chance to be on line will get a chance to go to Greg's
How about we say the first 10 people in line outside the Hiller household on the morning of the seminar get in. Then people can go camp out for 3 or 4 days on Greg's lawn, and in his neighbors' flower beds, with lawn chairs and sleeping bags and hibachis (like for Red Sox Penant Series tix), and then instead of giving out free frags, Greg can give each attendee a free shower at the end of the seminar.

thats why i offered to do it , i guess any way you do it someone could say it was unfair but a five day chance i think is the best & fair way
thejester, look on the previous page. that suggestion has already been made.

nate, are you trying to tell us how badly you want to go? haha. :)
Come on guys...

Moe and Rob are right. Greg and his wife have been very generous to open their home again. Let's not fight over it. If you don't get to go because life/work interferes with your ability to watch the forum, will it be the end of the world?

Let's stop arguing about this. The date has been selected, the selection method has been advertised. Done. Let's move on...

PS I'm not trying to be crabby, I just hate all this squabbling.
I was thinking the same thing Kas. I want to go even if I don't have a tank just to learn but.. If I can't get to it when its posted oh well.
Just as an FYI, Last year out of the original 10 that signed up, I think only 4-5 (?) ended up making it (they had to cancel for one reason or another). So people from the backup list went. So even if you do not make the initial list of 10, put your name in
Fair, unfair, fair, unfair. Life is not fair. A fellow reefer has agreed to let 10 people into his home. There shouldn't need to be a big production on how to pick the people. There will always be more people who want to attend then there is room for. I hear there is plenty of room though at the Coral Propagation seminar that Greg is hosting at MACNA.
Is this coming from someone who is always on line or who has already been to Greg's seminar, no. As a matter of fact I would love to attend. I doubt I will because somedays I don't get on-line at all. Does this bug me, no. While live and in person would be great I am sure I could post any questions I have on this forum and get answers. Plus I could always sign up for the Macna event. (The real loss is I don't get to eat Greg's wife's cooking.)
I think it is great that Greg is offering to do this again giving that he is hosting a Macna seminar. He could have easily said not this year, talk to me next year.
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Gee...and I was wondering if there were enough people left in the club that were 'newbie' enough to want to attend. Keep in mind folks, people that are experienced will not want to attend as you will be bored. Stuffed full of good food, but bored. Please also make sure that you can attend on the date that we listed. A lot of people bowed out in the past. There are plenty of other folks who could put on the same show in the club, perhaps some other experienced reefers (maybe south of town) would like to host such an event over the summer?
Would you consider putting on a separate event where you just fed us your wife's food, and there was no coral propagation lesson? This might help thin out the crowd considerably. I'd be interested in either. :)
Hell, you pay what we actually pay for the food (more that $10 believe me!), plus my wife's hourly salary as a nurse working night shift (it takes her about 6 hours to prepare the food) and it's a deal. ;)
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