can n e one tell me y lps faded color?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I dont know wat wrong with my tank, my sps and softies are doing fine but my lps is not doing too well. Please Lmk.
Thanx, T.
I would def be looking in the direction of temp and/or Alk. Also, if any lighting changes have been made in the last month(new bulbs?)
temp is fine, alk is good, new lights since Feb-2010. I think its the mag too as well. I probly gonna head to AA and grab a mag test kit and check it out. Thanx for the advice.
Can you give us some more background?
How long have you had the LPS in question?
Was it imported, if so how long ago?
What was the light change?
Any reccent large water changes or increase in carbon filtration?

If nothing else, sometimes imported/aquacultured corals often shift in color a lot once brought into captivitiy, and that process can take a while to happen.
I think you have too many fish and need someone to take some off your
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