Catching Pistol Shrimp


I have had it!!!! I have a Tiger Pistol Shrimp that loves to dig. He is a cool little guy and has paired up with my Watchman Goby but he loves to dig, and dig and dig and dig....... Sick of the sand storms, sick of the covering corals with sand, sick of stealing rocks and Nas. snails to build his 4 bedroom condo. He is about 2" or so, very shy, mostly active in the evening, night and morning hours. How the Heck can I catch this guy? I whish I had a small lobster trap!!!! I don't think the glass thing for crabs will work, I really think I need something on the lines of a Lobster trap type thingy. Very frustrated, any ideas?
Take one of those 20 oz. soda bottles, cut the top off at the same diameter as the bottom. Insert the top into the bottom so it acts as a funnel pointing in. Put in a piece of shrimp, fish etc.. Now you have your mini lobster trap. That's how I caught my Mantis, he was in there in less than an hour.
Yeah, I was gonna suggest the soda bottle trap too.
I wish my tank was ready, I'd take the pistol off your hands. I love those things.
I'll take the pistol off of you. I've got monti's to trade. Lemme know if you are interested.

See Moe... more reason(s) get yer tank up!!

Been in there 10 minutes, caught 6 NAs. Snails and my peppermint shrimp. Wanted to put the Shrimp in the fuge for a little while to get the Aptasia. If I catch him Just David has first dibs, unless moe has his tank set up by then.
Armando said:
I'll take the 4 bedroom condo for my pistol shrimp.
You laugh but when I set up the tank I knew I had a Pistol shrimp so I set up a support using PVC and Eggcrate under my rocks, he has dug out underneath the whole thing, my sand is now about 6 to 8" in some places, you can see the egcrate in most spots under the rocks. must have 8 entrances, I figure it is at least 4 bedrooms. :rolleyes:
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