Clownfish pairing


I had a pair of Percula Clownfish for 12 years. The female died a few months ago and I'm left with just one now. The male is doing OK by himself but I hate leaving good enough alone and I want to pair him up again.
Do I get a smaller clown and expect that the male will morph to a female or do I get a larger one and see what happens?

TIA Cliff
Unfortunately, I had the same thing happen: pair of Percula clowns, but the female jumped (before I added a mesh screen lid). The male was distraught and left by himself.

After a month or so, we purchased a tank bred juvenile male Percula from Frank180reef (bred by Ed), both active in the club. We carefully acclimated him to the tank (isolated in a net breeder box for several days). They bonded immediately and our adult male transitioned to female over the next few months. They've been inseparable ever since.
Definitely get a smaller / tiny one if yours has been alone for several months - he may have started down the path to womanhood.
perculas and occellaris are relatively less aggressive than other type of clowns. The chance of it killing the smaller one is slim.