Coraldivas Blue Magic


Well, my buddy Antwon (cherokeedude) asked me to go in on a new chalice with him. After twisting my arm for a little while I gave in ;) then bought a few more from the seller as well. Its called blue magic because it changes from blue to green to orange and pink depending on how much light its getting.
Here she is:
Blue Magic (straight from Coraldiva herself)



Not selling any for a while but I think it sells for 100+ an eye. She had 1 on ebay with 2 eyes for $199 buy it now...
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you got the raptors peace coral, nice. You have to sell me a frag when you can frag it.

Those chalices are nice to i guess :D they all look crazy nice. Do you have any room for all these crazy new corals you keep getting?
I need to stop by to check that blue magic out it looks sick.
I have plenty of room. I am going through a makeover of the tank. I actually cleared out alot of my sps and am redoing alot of my tank. It looks like *&^% right now. The carpet is coming in Tuesday so the room will finally be finished and I am getting rid of alot of my big fish, getting 30 peppermints to eat up my aptaisia and I just hooked back up the calcium reactor and got a reefkeeper Lite. I am gonna put all my favorite lps pieces in the display tank and I am getting rid of all the sps that I dont completely love. I am only gonna keep sps that are really bright from now on. No dull ones......I will not be showing the tank till the transformation is complete.......but you can come by whenever Chris since you know whats going on with it.
Dawn, where have you been? How is my little buddy? I still have his B day box on my bedroom dresser. Seriously. Are you going to the auction?
I am no expert on T5's but I can say that most of my Chalices like lower light. They grow well under higher light but get best colors in lower light. The bpc Flamethrower on the other hand loves higher light. I can make a good recomendation for you but I am not sure if you are asking because its a high light spot or a low light spot.